Monday, 11 February 2013

Solaris Networking

I tend to do a lot of work with Solaris machines so first post will be a Solaris one.

So some useful files to know for networking:

Solaris 10

Add an /etc/resolv.conf file as its not there by default

Change the hosts lookup to have dns in /etc/nsswitch.conf

Edit the following files and update as required:





ifconfig –a



To bring the interface up

ifconfig hme0:1 plumb
ifconfig hme0:1 10.X.X.X netmask X.X.X.X up

To make permanent

Add IP to /etc/hosts and more importantly

echo 10.X.X.X  > /etc/hostname.hme0:1

To bring it down

ifconfig hme0 unplumb

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